Closing the Border & Stopping the Invasion

  • Authored and Introduced the Build the Wall and Deport Them All Act to end “catch and release,” finish building the wall, prohibit funding for sanctuary cities, restore the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and expedite the removal of illegal aliens.
  • Authored and passed an important appropriations amendment to prohibit funds from going to sanctuary cities.
  • Authored and Introduced the No Amnesty Act to nullify and remove funding for Biden’s unconstitutional amnesty executive actions.
  • Cosponsored and Voted in favor of the strongest border security bill ever passed by the House.
  • Authored and Introduced the Fentanyl Is A WMD Act to help law enforcement agencies crack down on drug traffickers and more aggressively combat fentanyl distributors.
  • Secured $703 million into law for counter-narcotics support, including an additional $50 million for programs to counter illicit fentanyl and synthetic opioids.
  • Secured $306 million into law for the national guard counter-drug program.
  • Passed an amendment through the House that redirected funding to CBP fentanyl detection at Border Patrol Checkpoints to prevent fentanyl from entering America.
  • Passed an amendment through the House that redirected funding to Counter Narcotics Support to enhance DoD’s role in countering the flow of illicit fentanyl and synthetic opioids.
  • I voted for and passed legislation to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas for orchestrating the worst border crisis in American history.
  • I was the first Republican in 24 years to successfully initiate impeachment proceedings against a President by passing legislation on the House floor to hold Joe Biden accountable for his dereliction of duty at the Southern Border.

H.R.6547: Colorado Energy Prosperity Act

The Colorado Energy Prosperity Act passed the House as part of the Interior Appropriations Bill and prohibits the Bureau of Land Management from locking up 1.6 million acres of land in Colorado from responsible oil and gas production. The BLM’s 1.6-million-acre land grab is another blatant overreach designed to dismantle the fossil fuel industry, increase gas prices, and force a green transition.

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HR1067: American Energy Act

Congresswoman Boebert’s American Energy Act successfully passed through the House as part of HR1. The bill extends the length of drilling permits from two to four years, which allows energy producers on the Western Slope and beyond to focus more on producing energy and spend less time adhering to bureaucratic requirements.

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HR2366: 90-Day Review Act

Also part of HR1 which was successfully passed by the House, the 90-Day Review Act decreases the amount of time that someone or an organization can file for a judicial review of a permit or major infrastructure project from 150 days to 90 days. This would be a huge boost to getting major infrastructure projects moving instead of being bogged down by the threat of litigation from bad actors.

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HR2746: Pueblo Jobs Act

The Pueblo Jobs Act is a critical piece of legislation for the Colorado economy that will create over 1,000 new jobs following the closing of the Pueblo Chemical Depot. This legislation prevents billions of dollars of infrastructure from being torn down and bulldozed and allows it to be repurposed for local economic development. This important legislation was signed into law as part of the National Defense Authorization Act in December of 2023.

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HR2746: Trust The Science Act

In response to decisions that kept grey wolves listed as an endangered species by the Biden Administration, Congresswoman Boebert partnered with Rep. Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin to introduce the Trust The Science Act and delist the grey wolf as an endangered species. This would get the federal government out of the way of states taking action to allow ranchers and farmers to protect their livestock from being killed by grey wolves. This legislation was supported by a multitude of ranching and farming advocacy groups, including the Colorado Farm Bureau and the Colorado Livestock Association. While this bill would not immediately produce a fix to the problem in Colorado due to Proposition 114 and the state’s listing of the grey wolf, it has raised awareness of the issue and would remove the federal government as a roadblock to progress. This legislation passed the House both as a standalone bill and also as a provision included in the Interior Appropriations Bill.

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HR2997: CONVEY Act

Congresswoman Boebert worked directly with local stakeholders in Mesa County to craft this piece of legislation, which would allow the County to purchase 31 acres of BLM land at fair-market value in Clifton that could be used for economic development. After years of the County unsuccessfully trying to acquire the land, Congresswoman Boebert stepped up to produce a legislative solution to the problem. This bill passed the full House of Representatives as standalone legislation.

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HR3675: Western Water Accelerated Revenue Repayment Act

The WWARR Act allows water users who currently have infrastructure debts or leases with the federal government to pay off their amount due ahead of schedule. This not only allows these users to get out from under the bureaucracy and red tape of the government, but brings in more federal revenue at a quicker rate. The bill provides stability to water users and was supported by a wide coalition of stakeholders including the Colorado Water Congress and the Family Farm Alliance, which led to its passage through the House Natural Resources Committee in July.

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HR4596: “Endangered Fish” Bill

This piece of legislation, which has a bipartisan companion bill in the Senate sponsored by Senator John Hickenlooper, would protect four species of threatened and endangered fish as well as preventing 2,500 water and power users, with 1,200 in Colorado, from being subject to burdensome government regulations after the current programs expire in September 2024. The bill has a broad coalition of support from local stakeholders and passed through the House Natural Resources Committee unanimously.

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HR6009: Restoring America’s Energy Dominance (RAED) Act

In response to another harmful BLM rule that would put more undue regulations on oil & gas producers in the 3rd District, Congresswoman Boebert introduced the RAED Act to repeal this Biden Administration policy. This legislation passed the House as a standalone bill.

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